Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

A List phone

You guys must be familiar with this


Yes, those are blackberry and iphone. this post is gonna talk about the lifestyle of both users of this phone. as we know blackberry and iphone users are increasing in the past years since 2009. both phone has different and unique characteristic,function,shape,models,colours. you name it. all type of communication need are perfectly being provided with those smartphone. im personally using this 2 kind of phone so i can said as a user. those phone are very useful and functional. helping my life a lots. but what are the type of people who are match with blackberry? or probably more fit on iphone? this phone can describe the users.

lets start from 
Blackberry are made to accommodate a technology of chatting and internet anywhere and everywhere.the build in blackberry messenger has been an advantages of this phone. we can chat 24 hours without need to sign in to any web or application and its been connected to all blackberry users all around the world. this phone got their popularity by hollywood celebrity when they changing the concept from working phone into a lifestyle phone. the influence when to public very strong and creating a self images for this phone. nowadays. blackberry users are everywhere. from kindergarten student until professional bussiness man. the lifestyle of this phone has changing more into an entertainment phone instead of a bussiness phone like it use to be. the ability of their social networking tools has made them the best device to buy if we have a high social networking live to maintain like on facebook, twitter. or any other social network and chatting was so much fun on blackberry!

And we going to         
1 word for this device. FUN!! if with blackberry i can chat everytime i want, iphone can give me full entertainment anytime i want. this smartphone include ipod music player inside the program and can playback more than 5000 song depends on the memory of your iphone. moreover iphone can contain so many application like games,office tool, entertainment,design tool and still much more. iphone using safari as a browser and it can do multitasking so you can browse more than 1 page at the same time. if you have 3gs type. you can converting your video and edit it on the device without plug-in to the computer again. and internet speed of this phone (3gs) was satisfying. i dont see any weakpoint yet from this phone and this phone giving a lot of fun for me.
each device has they own unique and advantages but most people said, a working family guy having blackberry and a single free man having iphone. i have both of them, so what am i ?? :)

*all images still from google

6 komentar:

  1. blognya bikin biar bisa chat jg dong vin! ini mah copy paste bukan dari hati bikinnya hahaha

  2. ini hasil ketikan and pemikiran pribadi, no copy paste hehe gimana sih caranya biar muncul chat box?

  3. blognya bagus, benar-benar membahas tentang gaya hidup masyarakat kota. sayang masih baru blognya jadi postingannya masih sedikit.. ditunggu postingan selanjutnya ya..

  4. terima kasih,sudah mampir ke blog saya..
    btw hari sabtu ada pesta blogger di epicentrum jam 10. ada yang hadir kesana ? :)

  5. dua brand gadget ini emank lagi happening bgt seiring dengan berkembangnya jaman web 2.0 dimana smua orang berinteraksi melalui media online. tp kadang brasa cape gak sih, rasanya itu kaya idup kita disetir sama teknologi. smua orang pake bb/iphone, mau gak mau kita jg pake bb/iphone biar komunikasi jadi lebih gampang, blom lagi gadget" ini sebenernya agak ringkih ya klo gw bilang, dimana kita tau bb itu rewel, ntar lemot lah, bbm pending lah.. dan klo produk apple batrenya yg sensitif..
    ya serba salah sih, pake gadget, kadang brasa cape, gak pake gadget, komunikasi susah.. tp yang penting kita harus bisa membatasi diri sih.. jangan malah jadi "mendekatkan yang jauh, dan menjauhkan yang dekat" karena klo uda pegang gadget pasti pada asik sendiri dan cuek sm sekitarnya.. :p cheers!

  6. Setuju sama renny, selama kita bisa mengontrol penggunaan gadget yang memang sesuai fungsinya, memang ga jadi masalah.. Asal jangan keasikan ngetik2 bb orang sekitar jadi dicuekin hehe
